Let’s Give Thanks

It’s that time of year once again….
The time when we pause to reflect on our lives – all that we’ve been given, all that we’ve earned, all that we value, all that we hope to still achieve. With a little luck, we’re able to focus on the truly important things in our world – the precious people and precious moments we spend with them.
Each year, the news around us seems to try so very hard to separate us – to promote and to highlight our differences. This year it seems like the noise has been turned up to maximum volume, to a level many of us never thought possible….
I was reflecting on this last week with a family member – a person who has many ideological differences from myself. It occurred to me that all of this conversation attempting to shine a light on these differences could have a positive affect – if we could just decide to embrace these contrasts – not as divisions – but instead as diverse ideas to be valued for what they truly are – as beliefs that are held dear, as ideas that deserve to be heard and understood, and as distinctions that can add value to our lives – should we be open to allowing it.
Josh Groban said it best when he sang the David Foster classic, “Thankful”:
“Even with our differences, there’s a place we’re all connected. Each of us can find each other’s light.”
Maybe this message can resonate with us this Thanksgiving. Maybe we can look for the “light” in our differences” rather than simply seeing that we have a difference.
We can still choose to maintain that which we personally believe, but understanding each other’s opinions and the experiences that shape our views can make it much easier to see our similarities, which I believe greatly outnumber those ideas that we may not have in common.
All of us at Quast Media thank you for your support, your friendship, your partnership, and yes - your differences.
We wish you a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and good feelings!