Thanksgiving Thoughts

Is it just me, or do you feel it too? I’m always amazed at the way this time of year seems to have a calming effect on people, both in their professional as well as their personal lives. People just seem a bit more patient – a bit more caring – when the holidays come around.
For me, it’s a time of great reflection. The year is coming to a close, and I’ve achieved some of my goals, while having watched others become victim to my inabilities, insecurities, or in-activities. But still I find that I’m filled with a feeling of great accomplishment, because despite my shortfalls in doing all that I set out to, I have a sincere appreciation that I’ve bettered myself in each area that I’m counted on, be it family, friendship, or business related.
As I further reflect on the many blessings I’ve received this year, I’d like to take a moment to recognize a few in particular:
• After what seemed like a very exhaustive search, I found a new “work family” here at Quast Media. I’d like to express my appreciation to the entire Quast team for making me feel so welcomed and so valued. It’s rare that one can find an opportunity where work doesn’t seem like it, and where clients and company truly celebrate each other. Here’s a Thanksgiving drumstick to the “Q” family for making it so…. You too, Charlie!
• My wonderful children – all grown up and on their own – You’ve never given me anything but a feeling of pride, and this past year has been no exception! KLM and APM, congrats on the promotions, and soon enough, your new home purchase! EJ and “Liss”, also congrats on the new positions, and EJ -- “You are an Ironman”! Continued love and success in your lives, your relationships, and your career paths. And the second drumstick is for all of you!
• My Sister and her family – A new year, and new beginnings – thanks for your love and support! The “dressing” is reserved for you!
• My beautiful woman – Swedish good looks, scholarly intellect, and incredible sincerity! You always have my “back”, and I can only hope that I’ve shown you that I have yours as well. You inspire me to do good – and to make decisions from the heart – always from the heart. You seek goodness in everyone, in everything. I must’ve done something right to deserve you, but it escapes me as to what it might have been! The rest of the turkey – and the pies – are for you, honey!
To all our clients, friends, and relatives – always know what a large part you play in our success and in our good fortune. We wish you peace, we wish you joy, and we give thanks that you’re in our lives. So, wherever you find yourself, as you’re sitting down to dinner this Thanksgiving, please join me in remembering all that we hold dear, and everything that’s really important. It’s for all of you that I give thanks this year….
My most sincere wishes to you and yours for the happiest of Thanksgivings!