“Fueling” your Messaging – Ingredient #4 - ”Repurposing Content”

Creating a marketing strategy that shows consistency in messaging is key to any business’s success. After spending much time researching and developing effective content for mediums such as your website blog, social media channels, YouTube video feed, etc., you’re now faced with the task of how to create meaningful and effective content to display on your digital signage. If you’re a small business, or just “tight on budget”, this can be especially daunting. That’s were content repurposing can really come in handy! First, let’s define what makes content worth repurposing, and why it’s worth the discussion.
Like a car that’s served the family well over the years, and now with a little effort can faithfully serve your daughter’s college transportation needs, older content that gets a fresh update can provide continued effective messaging and perhaps find an audience it previously didn’t attract. After all, the time, money and research that went into creating it has been spent, and hopefully those efforts brought a positive return – but that return can potentially grow when we think about finding new ways to “recycle” the message.
To be worthy of a repurpose”, older content must still be relevant - that is, the subject content must still be valuable to the audience that finds it. You’ve heard this type of content referred to as “Evergreen” –just as valuable, engaging, and educational now as when it was first created. By identifying this content among your marketing materials, and then framing it in a slightly different format, you can ensure that a great piece of content lives on. With far less effort than is required to produce a new message, older content can inform and activate segments of your audience that might have missed it the first time!
Here are a few ways that you can use this tool to help share your marketing message across multiple mediums:
Pinterest and Instagram images can be effectively converted to your digital signage displays to re-enforce themes and scripted messaging
When appropriate, videos originally produced for your website may be converted and featured as internal or external digital signage content
Business event videos and client testimonial videos may be edited to create a promotional video to play on digital signage screens
Website Blog articles can be converted to Infographics and effectively be displayed on your signage. This is also true of strong PowerPoint presentations
If you have marketing brochures, you can use select fragments that can be turned into effective digital display “shorts”
Convert website or Social Media client feedback to create digital testimonials
Past Direct Mail campaigns and company posters can also be good “fuel” for conversion to digital signage messaging
Old Case Studies, White Papers or E-Books are other great sources to be considered for digital messaging repurposing
Of course, this concept can work both ways – a great digital display ad may be an inspiration for a series of Blog articles, and Infographic, an e-Book, or even a fully developed video.
So the next time you’re faced with needing effective digital content, look no further than your own backyard …. Or better yet, let Quast Media do the “looking” for you. For more information on how easy it can be to bring our team into your team, click this link:
Next week we’ll look at Ingredient #5 – “Keeping content fresh, relevant, and engaging”.
Have a great week!