Don’t forget to “fuel” your Messaging

At Quast Media, we partner with companies of all sizes and in many industries. We realize that clients can have a great diversity of goals, as well as unique challenges -- and more importantly, unique opportunities to be explored!
Although goals and objectives may vary from client to client, today I’d like to speak about the common elements that exist in building a strong marketing message using today’s cutting-edge digital signage technology.
As you read this, you may be a “veteran” in the digital signage campaigns. You may be a new recruit eager to see action – or you may even be deciding if you’re ready to enlist in this noble campaign to build engagement, build brand, and build revenues using one of today’s hottest marketing trends….
Wherever your level of experience places you, one thing everyone has in common is the need to develop a strategy. Yes, I actually said that it’s imperative to develop a strategy. Now I know that it can be very tempting to take that new digital signage technology out for a spin and see what it can do, but I urge you not to. A strategy is the most critical component in determining your level of success – or lack of it – in using this highly effective digital medium. A strategy, developed from understanding and addressing the needs of your business, your product, and your marketplace – is the fuel that makes this technology perform!
Of course, there are all types of fuels we’re familiar with, from jet fuel to diesel, and from natural gas to hydrogen. Just like any great fuel, your digital signage strategy must incorporate the right ingredients in order to power your messaging with authority.
I believe there are seven (7) essential ingredients that if mixed with care, will give you the digital signage performance that will power your messaging from 0-60 in no time flat!
My next article will focus on the first ingredient in this fuel mixture – “Setting Goals”. We’ll take an in-depth look at this ingredient, which itself is made up of many different components.
One final thought for today ……If you were lucky enough to obtain a new Ferrari (if you already have one, I’m jealous), I’ll bet you’d be concerned with filling the tank with the proper fuel before taking your first 180 mph ride around the block…..
Strategy is the fuel you should be concerned with as you seek to build the successes that can come from proper digital messaging creation ….
Until next week!