Why am I not using digital signage yet?

Today, I want you to ask yourself this question: Why am I not using digital signage yet?
Of course, if you’re not yet using digital signage, most likely you’re also not asking yourself this question! But should you?
Everyday you’re surrounded by digital signage systems as you go about your daily routine – when you stop off to grab your favorite morning coffee blend, when you make a quick visit to the bank, when you work out at your gym, and even when you go and see a movie. In some ways, even your smartphone is a digital sign!
You may not realize it, but digital signage is all around you and even if you don’t focus your attention on it in a purposeful way, your mind is taking in some of the messaging, and more importantly -- reacting to it.
When you order your lunch, your plan might have been to just order your regular ham and cheese sandwich, but this time -- for some reason -- you find yourself ordering the “Kentucky Hot Brown” instead. Why? Because consciously or unconsciously, you noticed the mouth-watering video on the new digital sign they just installed.

After work you go to your gym, already thinking of what you’ll have for dinner after your workout, when suddenly you see an ad for a healthy smoothie on a digital sign at the conveniently located gym smoothie bar. You’re are inspired to be healthy, and find yourself ordering the smoothie instead of stopping at the fast food joint on the way home. You may be starting to realize the power in the visuals we all see – every day - all around us!
That gets you to thinking …… If digital signage does can be so impactful in shaping decisions in my everyday life, why wouldn’t it be useful for my own business?
Speaking of your business, let’s fast forward to your office ……….

If you’re being honest with yourself, you know that almost every day, the clients visiting you in your law firm will usually wait a few minutes in your reception room before you wrap up your previous appointment or finish that phone call. Lucy, your trusty receptionist, might try to engage them in conversation, but it also takes her focus off all the paperwork you’ve given her, not to mention all of her other duties…. and of course, answering the phone! “Note to self” …. Give Lucy a raise!
So this gets you to thinking ….. your first thought is to install a nice TV in your waiting room to show broadcast TV. Problem solved! Your clients are distracted with news and soap operas, making them less aware – and potentially less aggravated – at the wait time. But what’s this? is that a TV commercial for your biggest competitor that just aired? Oh no!! He’s advertising his legal services and what?! The first 2 hours of consultation are free?!
FAST -- let’s get to that client before he pays too much attention to that commercial!
So once again you start thinking about your daily encounters with digital signage. You begin to realize that what makes these digital messages and eye-catching images work is that they concentrate on their own products and services. No news, no advertisement for competitors!
OK -- what do you need? A digital signage player? You start searching the internet and realize there’re so many different choices and plans. $10 a month, $99 a month, or “buy your complete system today for only $999, complete with thousands of templates and free content”.
You buy the player……. but what’s next? Will free content work? Can I easily use and modify templates? I mean, you’re as smart as the next guy – maybe smarter on a good day -- but you’re an attorney, not a graphic designer or a marketing guru. But lucky for you, there’s always Lucy, who did once mention that she loves PowerPoint.

You tell her the good news and she’s excited to make the first ad for your brand new digital sign. One thing you remember from your online digital signage research is that it’s important to keep content fresh. Well, let’s just task Lucy to create at least 3 new ads per week. That’ll do it!
Upon hearing about this lofty challenge, she’s still exited and starts in on the project with great expectation! (Note to “self” – she really does need that raise) Oops, the phone is ringing. Someone walks in. The UPS guy is here. The phone rings again.
Fast-forward again to a week later -- you walk into your waiting area and you see a nice new ad! Wait a minute…..that’s the same ad…… running over and over again!
So…. It’s becoming clear now ... you realize that Lucy, despite her valiant efforts and new raise, just doesn’t have the time to manage your new digital sign. So, now what? Switch back to broadcast TV? NOT !!
Here at Quast Media, we’ve seen these types of scenarios played out again and again, and because we understand the time and creativity needed to get the most out of this technology, we offer complete custom signage solutions for almost any size business!
Remember -- There IS a happy ending to this story – MEET JACK
So call us today to find out how easy it can be to let the pro’s at Quast Media deliver your message – on budget, on time, and on point!!